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One of the game's best putters, Snedeker started the season as the PGA Tour's hottest player with a win, two runner-up finishes and a third place from five starts to race to the top of the FedExCup standings.
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J&J's ibrutinib, which it is developing with PharmacyclicsInc, would be the first in a class of oral medicinesthat block a protein known as Bruton's tyrosine kinase. It isbeing developed for patients with chronic lymphocyticleukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma and for patients with mantlecell lymphoma, both cancers of the blood.
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Republicans are likely to demand concessions-including thescuttling of "Obamacare" in exchange for raising the debtceiling as well. While failure to do so could lead to amarket-rattling default by the government, McMorris Rodgersdefended the Republican tactic.